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15 aprile 2009
Cuccioli di April Love e Rusty Crusty
Cuccioli a 1 settimana e a 3 settimane
Maschio cannella e femmina rossa a 5 settimane
2 maschi rossi a 5 settimane
Castelbarbara Cinnamon San Juan Flower of Florida Olé Orlando King Sheraton

Pedigree dei cuccioli nati il 15 aprile 2009

Colonel Rusty Crusty
Ch. Castelbarbara
The Diplomat
Ch. Sherivale Roman Emperor
Sherivale Lord Charles
Mitsagi Anjuli
Ch. Sherivale Empress Carlotta
Sherivale Lord Charles
Sherivale Lady Loretta
Ch. Castelbarbara
Countess Cinderelle
Castelbarbara Prince Valentine
Ch. Sherivale Roman Emperor
Ch. Mitsagi Cinnamon Queen
Castelbarbara Marchioness Mary
Ch. Castelbarbara Riding High Duke
Ch. Castelbarbara Her Majesty
Castelbarbara April Love
Ch. Castelbarbara Sergent
Black Pepper
Ch Castelbarbara The Diplomat
Ch. Sherivale Roman Emperor
Ch. Sherivale Empress Carlotta
Ch Castelbarbara Countess Cinderella
Castelbarbara Prince Valentine
Castelbarbara Marchioness Mary
Weschow Whitney
Weschow Mr. D'Archy
Ch. Dawnanda'Diplomat of Cherrymount
Ch. Cherrymount Carisma of Weschow
Aluna Fleur of Weschow
Ch. Dawnanda'Diplomat of Cherrymount
Aluna Plenty to Shout About

Allevamento cinofilo di Chow Chow Castelbarbara | Tel. 0761612418 | e-mail: