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18 ottobre 2006
Cuccioli a 2 mesi
Hey Jude a 4 mesi Prince Rudolph a 4 mesi
Prince Rudolph e Rambling Rose a 3 mesi Hey Jude a 3 mesi Hey Jude e Prince Rudolph a 3 mesi Rambling Rose a 3 mesi

Pedigree dei cuccioli nati il 18 ottobre 2006

Sire Castelbarbara
Robin Hood
Ch. Castelbarbara King of Syam
Ch. Castelbarbara
The Diplomat
Ch.Sherivale Roman Emperor
Ch.Sherivale Empress Carlotta
Ch. Castelbarbara
Countess Cinderella
Castelbarbara Prince Valentine
Castelbarbara march. Mary
Weschow Whitney
Weschow Mr D'Arcy
Dawnanda’s Diplomat at Cherrymount
Ch. Cherrymount Charmisma of Weschow
Aluna Fleur of Weschow
Ch.Dawnanda’s Diplomat at Cherrymount
Aluna Plenty to shout About
Cinnamon Surprise
dell'Antico Oriente
Ch. Castelbarbara King of Syam
Ch. Castelbarbara
The Diplomat
Ch.Sherivale Roman Emperor
Castelbarbara Empress Carlotta
Ch. Castelbarbara
Countess Cinderella

Castelbarbara Prince Valentine

Castelbarbara Marc. Mary
Love Fantasy dell'Antico Oriente
Thyroon of the China's Joy
Sweet Talkin Romeo of the Royal Club
Mystery Star of the China’s Joy
Paramount Bright Eyes
Smooth Victory of the of the Royal Club
Paramount Autumn Glory

Allevamento cinofilo di Chow Chow Castelbarbara | Tel. 0761612418 | e-mail: